Reconstruction of the Largest Pedigree Network for Pear Cultivars and Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of the USDA-ARS National Pyrus Collection.

Publication Overview
TitleReconstruction of the Largest Pedigree Network for Pear Cultivars and Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of the USDA-ARS National Pyrus Collection.
AuthorsMontanari S, Postman J, Bassil NV, Neale DB
TypeJournal Article
Journal NameG3 (Bethesda, Md.)
CitationMontanari S, Postman J, Bassil NV, Neale D. Reconstruction of the largest pedigree network for pear cultivars and evaluation of the genetic diversity of the USDA-ARS national Pyrus collection. G3. 2020; 10(9):3285-3297.


The USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) in Corvallis, Oregon, maintains one of the world's largest and most diverse living Pyrus collection. A thorough genetic characterization of this germplasm will provide relevant information to optimize the conservation strategy of pear biodiversity, support the use of this germplasm in breeding, and increase our knowledge of Pyrus taxonomy, evolution, and domestication. In the last two decades simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have been used at the NCGR for cultivar identification and small population structure analysis. However, the recent development of the Applied Biosystems™ Axiom™ Pear 70K Genotyping Array has allowed high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genotyping of almost the entire collection. In this study, we have analysed this rich dataset to discover new synonyms and mutants, identify putative labelling errors in the collection, reconstruct the largest pear cultivar pedigree and further elucidate the genetic diversity of Pyrus.

This publication contains information about 1 projects:
Project NameDescription
Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping dataPyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping data
This publication contains information about 1,570 stocks:
Stock NameUniquenameType
GinPI 541195accession
Gldani Pear G10-120PI 665754accession
GompapaPI 654927accession
GoreldePI 654952accession
GourmetPI 541804accession
Grant St. Yellow (P. calleryana)PI 541107accession
Green HorsePI 665811accession
Guenette (=Green Chisel)PI 277525accession
HamesiPI 638011accession
Hand Village Pear AM-2006-225PI 688164accession
Hang Pa LiPI 315064accession
Haploid Williams CIV dec 2015Haploid Williams CIV dec 2015accession
Harbin (P. ussuriensis)PI 542019accession
HawaiiPI 541897accession
HebePI 255612accession
Hendre HuffcapPI 541205accession
Hong YiungliPI 688096accession
Horner 4PI 688137accession
HourdequinPI 541209accession
Hua Gua (Hua-Gai)PI 665779accession
Huagai Li (=Hua Kai)PI 307545accession
Huangxianshui Li (=Huang Hsing Sui Li)PI 541990accession
HudarPI 541477accession
Huhoot LiPI 541966accession
