Reconstruction of the Largest Pedigree Network for Pear Cultivars and Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of the USDA-ARS National Pyrus Collection.

Publication Overview
TitleReconstruction of the Largest Pedigree Network for Pear Cultivars and Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of the USDA-ARS National Pyrus Collection.
AuthorsMontanari S, Postman J, Bassil NV, Neale DB
TypeJournal Article
Journal NameG3 (Bethesda, Md.)
CitationMontanari S, Postman J, Bassil NV, Neale D. Reconstruction of the largest pedigree network for pear cultivars and evaluation of the genetic diversity of the USDA-ARS national Pyrus collection. G3. 2020; 10(9):3285-3297.


The USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) in Corvallis, Oregon, maintains one of the world's largest and most diverse living Pyrus collection. A thorough genetic characterization of this germplasm will provide relevant information to optimize the conservation strategy of pear biodiversity, support the use of this germplasm in breeding, and increase our knowledge of Pyrus taxonomy, evolution, and domestication. In the last two decades simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have been used at the NCGR for cultivar identification and small population structure analysis. However, the recent development of the Applied Biosystems™ Axiom™ Pear 70K Genotyping Array has allowed high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genotyping of almost the entire collection. In this study, we have analysed this rich dataset to discover new synonyms and mutants, identify putative labelling errors in the collection, reconstruct the largest pear cultivar pedigree and further elucidate the genetic diversity of Pyrus.

This publication contains information about 1 projects:
Project NameDescription
Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping dataPyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping data
This publication contains information about 1,570 stocks:
Stock NameUniquenameType
Lacock No. 6PI 541313accession
Lesnaya KrasavitzaPI 688141accession
Mission San Carlos Pear 1PI 688136accession
Mission San Carlos Pear 3PI 688151accession
ParkerPI 657928accession
Pear 460 ngdna in 1xTE pH7.5Pear 460 ngdna in 1xTE pH7.5accession
Pear 24 -MP11IPear 24-MP11Iaccession
Pear 31 -MP11IPear 31-MP11Iaccession
PÉR Botìro de Santa AnaPÉR Botìro de Santa Anaaccession
Rosii UntoasePI 502174accession
SouthworthPI 541350accession
Stark Jumbo (Johnson cultivar)PI 541265accession
SulaniQ 44751accession
WaverlyPI 638014accession
Williams CIVWilliams CIVaccession
BelmontPI 43183accession
Beurré FlonPI 105548accession
Figue d'AlenconPI 541539accession
General TottlebenPI 541544accession
MendelPI 541232accession
Ottawa 291 (=O-291)PI 541546accession
Ottawa 291 (=O-291)PI 617630accession
Packham's TriumphPI 280405accession
PulteneyPI 541247accession
SurecropPI 541354accession
