Search Publications is a page where users can search for publication using a combination of keywords (in the abstract or title), all or partial titles, authors, and other categories. Search results link to the publication detail pages that contain the abstract, citation, external link to the full article, and other details. The GDR houses information about publications on Rosaceae genomics, genetics, and breeding research. Details about publications were imported to the GDR from NCBI PubMed and the USDA National Agricultural Library using the query: (abstract: trait OR QTL OR gene OR genome OR map OR microsatellite OR annotation OR EST OR marker OR seqeuence) AND (abstract: rosaceae or prunus or pyrus or fragaria or malus or rubus). Additionally, details of publications from other journals not present in these databases are added.
1. Users can select a field in the drop-down menu (abstract, authors, citation, journal name, title or year) and the type in keywords in the textbox
2. Users can expand their query by choosing 'AND, OR, NOT' and add additional field.
3. Users can click the plus symbol to add additional field.
4. Users can type in years in xxxx format limit the results between certain years.
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