Prunus conradinae Whole Genome v1.0 Assembly & Annotation

Analysis NamePrunus conradinae Whole Genome v1.0 Assembly & Annotation
Method NECAT (na)
SourceIllumina reads for Prunus conradinae
Date performed2023-04-26


Wei Tan, Pengyu Zhou, Xiao Huang, Ruyu Liao, Faisal Hayat, Xiaoan Wang, Zhaojun Ni, Ting Shi, Xiaqing Yu, Huiqin Zhang, Feng Gao, Yang Bai, Daouda Coulibaly, Ouma Kenneth Omondi, Zhihong Gao. Deciphering the first Prunus conradinae haploid genome to expound the function of SVP gene associated with the flower development in cherry. Manuscript in preparation

Materials and Methods: 
Utilizing the NECAT software (Chen et al., 2021) (, the genome's preliminary assembly was carried out. Two rounds of consensus correction were conducted using Racon v.1.4.11 (Vaser et al., 2017) with nanopore sequencing reads, and the resultant assembly was further polished using Pilon v.1.23 (Walker et al., 2014) with default parameters based on the Illumina reads, which obtained a 515 Mb Nanoporeassembly genome.Then, Purge_haplotigs v.1.0.4 (Roach et al., 2018) was used with the parameters contigcov -l 20 -m 80 -h 200 and purge -a 60 to identify and delete duplicate contigs, resulting thefinal haploid genome  assembly (262.79Mb).



The Prunus conradinae Genome v1.0 assembly files are available in FASTA format.


Chromosomes (FASTA file) pconradinae_v1.0.fasta.gz
Chromosomes (Masked) (FASTA file) pconradinae_masked.v1.0.fasta.gz


Gene Predictions

The Prunus conradinae v1.0 genome gene prediction files are available in FASTA and GFF3 formats.


Protein sequences  (FASTA file) pconradinae_v1.0.proteins.fasta.gz
CDS  (FASTA file) pconradinae_v1.0.cds.fasta.gz
Genes (GFF3 file) pconradinae_v1.0.genes.gff3.gz