List of files for genome data submission

Please follow Genome Naming Guideline when you name the genome assembly and annotation and provide us with the genome assembly name below.
Genome Assembly Name: [species] [sample identifier] [consortium]v[assembly version].[assembly subversion]
(e.g. Malus x domestica SuperCrisp ABC v1.1)
  1. FASTA file of assembled sequences
  2. FASTA file of assembled sequences repeat masked
  3. GFF3 files that map scaffolds and pseudomodules or scaffolds and contigs
  1. GFF3 file of genes. 
  2. FASTA file for genes, mRNA (cDNA), CDS and proteins.   
  1. FASTA file of repeats  (for use as potential repeat library)
  2. GFF3 file of repeats against the assembly.  
Information on Assembly
  1. Name of the species and cultivar/accession
  2. Software, source and date performed (see example)
  3. Materials and Methods: some text to describe assembly and annotation process
  4. Publication 

For Prunus genomes, please follow the chromosome terminology used by Prunus persica that has been accepted by the community. Discrepancy has been noted between some genomes such as Prunus mume.

Chromosome Peach Lovell (Dirlewanger et al 2004; Verde et al. 2013) Prunus mume (Zhang et al. 2012)

Size (Mbp) in Lovell v2.a1

1 1 2↓ 47.85
2 2 5 30.41
3 3 4 27.37
4 4 3 25.84
5 5 7 18.50
6 6 1 30.77
7 7 8 22.39
8 8 6↓ 22.57

Note that chromosomes 2 and 6 (corresponding to Lovell chromosomes 1 and 8, respectively) are reversed.