[Outreach] New Video Tutorial: How cross-search gene/mRNA names (9/24)
- [Outreach] July 2024 GDR Newsletter sent (7/24)
- [Data] New TE data in Rosaceae available in JBrowse and for download (7/24)
[Outreach] BIMS workshop at NAPB 2024! (7/24)
[Outreach] GDR team presentations at Plant Biology 2024! (7/24)
[Outreach] New Video Tutorial: Learn how to use the ortholog/paralog search! (6/24)
[Data] Strawberry Crop Ontology developed and submitted to CO (6/24)
[Data] Synteny data between Rosaceae genomes and Arabidopsis genome available (6/24)
[Tools] Added link to the genome page from the MapViewer GWAS page (6/24)
[Tools] BIMS supports Field Book sync function
[Tools] Protein FASTA file download available from sequence search (5/24)
[Tools] Trait Descriptor Search updated for new data format (5/24)
[Outreach] New Video Tutorial: Learn How to download protein sequences! (5/24)
- [Tools] Aliases of Trait Terms available to view in Trait Name Search (3/24)
- [Tools] Image data management available in BIMS (1/24)!
- [Outreach] January 2024 newsletter available (1/24)
[Outreach] Workshop and presentations at PAG 31 (1/24)
[Outreach] Monthly GDR email with Yearly GDR in Review (12/2023)
[Outreach] New Video Tutorial: Learn how to view correspondences between genomes and genetic maps! (11/23)
[Outreach] October 2023 newsletter available (10/23)
- [Outreach] Monthly GDR email with a video on How to start with a trait, find an associated GWAS, view the gene, and then find an ortholog! (8/23)
- [Outreach] Two presentations (GDR and BIMS) and Hands-on Training Workshop at ASHS (8/23)
- [Outreach] July 2023 newsletter available (7/23)
- [Outreach] July 16, 2023 - BIMS and FieldBook at the Breeding Tools Workshop, National Association of Plant Breeding Annual Meeting (7/23)
[Data] Full analysis results available for Fragaria chiloensis 'GP33' Genome v1.0 (7/23)
- [Outreach] Monthly GDR email with a video on how to search and view traits and associated data (6/29/2023)
- [Outreach] Monthly GDR email with a video on how to search and view GWAS data (5/30/2023)
[Outreach] GWAS data template available! (5/23)
[Tools] Ortholog page added to gene/mRNA page (3/23)
[Outreach] GDR workshop at RGC11 (3/23)
[Tools] Toolbar for selecting colors for GWAS display in MapViewer (2/23)
[Tools] Crosslink between GDR and Fruit and Nut Database (2/23)
[Tools] MegaSearch updated to allow searching records with empty fields (e.g. for searching genes without any functional annotation) (2/23)
[Outreach] January 2023 GDR Newsletter (1/23)
[Tools] Gene annotation template and loader created (1/23)
[Tools] MegaSearch updated to query GWAS (1/23)
[Tools] MapViewer updated to display GWAS data (1/23)
[Tools]Template/loader for GWAS data created (12/22)
[Tools] BIMS/MCL made compatible with PHP8
[Outreach] October 2022 GDR Newsletter (10/22)
[Tools] TripalMap 2.0 released (10/22)
[Tools] ChadoSearch v2.7 for Drupal 7 released
[Tools] Tripal MegaSearch v1.4 for Drupal 7 released
[Data] Whole genome data for Rubus idaeus Joan J Genome v2.0 (9/22)
[Data] Whole genome data for Fragaria x ananassa FL15.89-25 (9/22)
[Data] Whole genome data for Prunus dulcis Nonpareil (9/22)
[Data] Whole genome data for Prunus humilis (9/22)
[Tools] Data templates - ORCID/DOI enabled in data loading templates (8/22)
[Tools] BIMS - Trait descriptor export (BIMS-Field Book) through BrAPI enabled (8/22)
[Tools] MegaSearch - Accordion style form added in query section (8/22)
[Tools] MapViewer - Resolution of the map comparison view improved (8/22)
[Tools] Trait and dataset pages updated with more hyperlinks (8/22)
[Tools] BIMS - Importing public trait descriptors from GDR to private program enabled (7/22)
[Tools] Mapviewer - layout of the landing page improved (7/22)
[Outreach] July 2022 GDR Newsletter (7/22)
[Outreach] New short video tutorial 'How to use MegaSearch for QTL'! (6/22)
[Tools] Created ‘bin’ pages with Map/LG/marker/QTL information (6/22)
[Outreach] April 2022 GDR Newsletter available (4/22)
[Data] Synteny analysis done for Malus x domestica v1.0p (3/22)
[Data] Malus x domestica v1.0 NCBI annotation (3/22)
[Tools] New filter added to Search Nearby Marker page (3/22)
[Outreach] New short video tutorial 'How to Search Marker' available (3/22)
[Outreach] New short video tutorial 'How to use MapViewer' available (2/22)
[Outreach] BIMS Manual updated (1/22)
[Outreach] January 2022 GDR Newsletter available (1/22)
New functionality to download 5’ and/or 3’ flanking sequences from the marker MegaSearch (12/21)
[Outreach] GDR Year in Review sent out as a December monthly email (12/21)
- [Outreach] New short video tutorial 'How to use MegaSearch' available (11/21)
- [Outreach] New short video tutorial 'How to use Synteny Viewer' available (10/21)
- [Outreach] October 2021 GDR Newsletter available (10/21)
Haplotype block page updated to display associated stock haplotypes (8/21)
Stock pages updated to display SNP Genotype data (6/21)
Enabled ‘does not contain’ operation for text filters on all search forms. Also allowed downloading search results in the tab-delimited (TSV) format in addition to the CSV format. (2/21)
Haplotype block search module updated to allow site manages to choose associated genetic maps and genomes per project (2/21)
Marker highlighting in MapViewer linking from Tripal marker pages (10/20)
Created ‘SNP Chip’ pages with Publication/Download information (7/20)
MapViewer display support for haplotype block (06/20)
- GDR manuscript published in NAR (10/2018)
- TE Detection by RepetDB available (10/2018)
- Prunus dulcis Texas Whole Genome v2.0 available (10/2018)
- Prunus yedoensis Whole Genome v1.0 available (10/2018)
- Gene/transcript search page updated (9/2018)
- JBrowse for Malus x domestica v1.0 pseudomolecule (9/2018)
- New QTL, marker, genetic map, and genotype data added (8/2018)
- Updated MapViewer - dot plot, correspondence matrix and PNG export functionality added (08/2018)
- Rosa chinensis Old Blush homozygous genome v2.0 available (7/2018)
GDR presented at RGC9 in Nanjing, China (06/2018)
- Potentilla micracantha v1.0 draft genome available (06/20/18)
- MapViewer updated with dynamic drawing element positioning for QTLs and Correspondences (06/2018)
- BIMS webinar June 18, 2018 at 1.00 PM EDT (06/01/18)
- Rubus occidentalis whole genome v3.0 assembly & annotation available (5/19/18)
- BIMS webinar May 21, 2018 at 1.30 PM EDT (05/01/18)
- BIMS webinar April 30, 2018 at 1.30 PM EDT (04/21/18)
- RosBreed sweet cherry phenotype data available from BIMS (4/2018)
- JBrowse plugin multivariant viewer implemented (4/2018)
- All genome data available from JBrowse, GBrowse decommissioned (4/2018)
- Rosa multiflora draft genome v1.0 assembly & annotation available (3/18/18)
- New QTL, markers, genetic map and genotype data added (3/10/18)
- Rosa chinensis v1.0 genome assembly & annotation and GDR annotation available (3/5/18)
- BIMS training workshop for rosaceae breeders (3/5/18)
- Fragaria vesca genome v4.0.a1 assembly & annotation available (1/30/18)
- Customizing output functionality added to gene/sequence search (1/21/18)
MapViewer map visualization tool added (12/2017)
- New annotation Fragaria vesca v2.0.a2 available (10/26/17)
- Malus x domestica genome sequence/annotation (GDDH13 v1.1) and the GDR annotation available (10/2/17)
- Genetic map data for Prunus persica v2.0.a1 genome available (9/29/17)
- New QTL, markers and genetic map data available (9/29/17)
- Pathway Inspector from FEM available in GDR (8/31/17)
- Reference transcriptomes available for BLAST search (8/7/17)
- Malus x domestica GDDH13 v1.1 genome and annotation available in JBrowse and BLAST (07/27/17)
- New BLAST interface available (07/25/17)
- Reference transcriptome available for fragaria x ananassa (07/21/17)
- Sweet cherry genome and annotation (Prunus avium v1.0.a1) available (07/19/17)
- Rubus reference transcriptome v2 available (05/10/17)
- New QTL, markers and genetic map data available (4/14/17)
- Prunus persica v2.0.a1 genome assembly/annotation available (3/18/17)
- SNP genotype search page available (2/10/17)
- Reference transcriptome available for Malus x domestica, Prunus avium and Prunus persica (2/10/17)
- Search by trait available in marker search (12/20/16)
- SNP marker search available (12/12/16)
- RubusCyc available (11/16/2016)
- GDR Newsletter October 2016 available (10/31/16)
- New QTL, markers and genetic map data made available from 8 publications
- RosEXEC annual membership voting available (10/17/16)
- Rosaceae Trait Ontology and abbreviations available (09/14/16)
- All QTL have been updated using the standardized Rosaceae TO (09/14/16)
- Newly designed GDR launched (08/01/16)
- Dynamic data overview page available (8/1/16)
- Short video tutorials are available for site overview, species pages and all the search pages (08/01/16)
- Combined Gene and Transcript Search Available (08/01016)
- Germplasm Image Search Available (08/01/16)
- Genetic Map Search Available (08/01/16)
- Reference Transcriptome for Rubus genus built and made available (08/01/16)
- Conserved syntenic regions among Prunus persica v2.0, Fragaria vesca v2.0, Malus x domestica v3.0p, and Pyrus communis v1.0 were analyzed by GDR and made available using GBrowse_syn (07/25/16)
- SNP data available in JBrowse as tracks (6/10/2016)
- Apple 480K to M. x domestica genome v3.0
- IRSC Cherry 6K to P. persica genome v2.0
- Strawberry 90K to F. vesca v1.1
- Mapping of MDP genes of apple genome assembly to the NCBI annotated LOC genes available as a downloadable file (6/2/2016)
- Fragaria vesca v2.0.a2 added as a track in JBrowse of Fragaria v2.0 (5/30/2016)
- Genome Assembly of F. x ananassa and four wild species v1.0 made available in JBrowse (5/30/2016)
- Malus x domestica v3.0.a1 pseudomolecules and Malus x domestica v3.0.a1 contigs made available in JBrowse (5/30/2016)
- New Rosaceae genes and mRNAs, downloaded and parsed from NCBI nr database available for searching and download (04/15/2016)
- GDRCyc databases updated with MetaCyc v19.5 (4/14/16)
- GDR Newsletter April 2016 available (4/13/16)
- Genome assembly and annotation of Black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) made available (04/01/16)
- New QTL, markers and genetic map data made available (3/31/16)
- Species summary information contributed by community members made available (3/31/16)
- Made the 480K SNP array data for Malus x domestica (Bianco et al. 2016) available for download (3/28/16)
- New SSR and SNP genotype search page available (3/4/16)
- GDR Newsletter October 2015 made available (10/13/15)
- A standard nomenclature for gene designation in the Rosaceae has been published in TGG (9/29/15)
- Genome Assembly of F. x ananassa and four wild species v1.0 mad available (9/10/15)
- New QTL, markers and genetic map data made available (9/7/15)
- Strawberry 90K SNP array data (Bassil et al. 2015) and apple 20K SNP array data (Bianco et al. 2014) made available (8/10/15)
- Gene Naming Guideline available (4/23/15)
- Rose transcriptome data and 68K Axiom SNP array data (Koning-Boucoiran et al. 2015) are available for download (4/23/15)
- GDR Newsletter April 2015 (4/6/15): View or Download
- New genome assemblies and annotations for Prunus persica, Fragaria vesca and Malus x domestica (4/6/15)
- Prunus persica genome V2.0.a1 available (3/18/15)
- New QTL, markers and genetic map data from apple and rose are available (3/15/15)
- New search interfaces for haplotype data made (2/9/15)
- Presentation page to download GDR related talks (1/15/15)
- GDR presentations done at PAG XXIII (Fruit & Nut Workshop and Computer demo) (Jan 2015)
- Data Contributors page made (9/30/14)
- 55 more genetic maps with associated markers and QTLs have been added since May 2013 (9/1/2014)
- GDR presentation done at RGC7 (Jun 2014)
- Assisting in organizing RGC7 (6/30/14)
- Diversity (Genotypic data) search page allows downloading genotypic data in three different format. (6/12/2014)
- GDR presentation done at PAG XXII (Jan 2014)
- GDR tutorials have been updated (9/30/13)
- GDR manuscript submitted to Nucleic Acids Research Database Edition (9/20/13)
- Redesigned work completed page added (09/20/13)
- Redesigned work in progress page (09/20/13)
- Redesigned home page (09/19/13)
- Implemented new publications search site (09/19/13)
- Implemented new gene search site (09/19/13)
- Implemented new sequence search site (09/19/13)
- Implemented new molecular diversity search site (09/19/13)
- Twitter account created for GDR (09/09/13)
- GDR presentation at ASHS (Jul 2013)
- Seven sweet cherry SNP linkage maps added to CMap (05/02/13)
- New search site for trait loci (QTL/MTL) added with updated data (05/02/13)