New JBrowse tracks below are available for representative Rosa, Rubus, and Pyrus genomes below.
- Primer-based markers (aligned to the genomes by GDR team)
- SNP markers
- QTLs and MTLs (by genome positions of QTLs or those of associated markers)
Only tracks with data for that genome have been added. Below is the list of genomes with the new tracks and the JBrowse instances can be accessed on the JBrowse page.
- Rosa chinensis Old Blush homozygous genome v2.0
- Rosa chinensis Whole Genome v1.0 Assembly & Annotation
- Rosa rugosa Whole Genome v1.0 Assembly & Annotation
- Rosa wichuraiana Basye's Thornless Genome v1.0 Assembly & Annotation
- Rubus argutus Hillquist Genome v1.0 Assembly & Annotation
- Rubus occidentalis Whole Genome v3.0 Assembly & Annotation
- Rubus idaeus 'Joan J' Genome v2.0 Assembly & Annotation
- Rubus idaeus cv. 'Malling Jewel' NIAB Genome v1.0 Assembly & Annotation
- Pyrus communis Bartlett DH Genome v2.0
- Pyrus communis d'Anjou Genome v2.3.a1 Assembly & Annotation
- Pyrus ussuriensis x communis Zhongai 1 v1.0 Whole Genome Assembly & Annotation
- Pyrus pyrifolia Whole Genome v1.0 Assembly & Annotation