Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) identification and the transmission of resistance to powdery mildew in apricot
Publication Overview
Abstract Powdery mildew, caused by Sphaerotheca
pannosa var. Persicae, is one of the most important
diseases in apricot production areas around the world.
The transmission of resistance to powdery mildew and
the identification of related quantitativetrait loci (QTLs)
were analysed during 3 years in two F1 apricot progenies
derived from the crosses ‘Bergeron’ 9 ‘Currot’
(B 9 C) and ‘Goldrich’ 9 ‘Currot’ (G 9 C). Field
evaluation showed the great variability and segregation
in each apricot population in terms of powdery mildew
symptoms, demonstrating the polygenic nature and
quantitative inheritance of this trait. In accordance with
this polygenic nature, several related QTLs were
detected using the Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric test,
with two main genomic regions are involved in powdery
mildew resistance in apricot. Two identified QTLs were
mapped in the genetic linkage groups 2 (LG2) and 3
(LG3). In addition, in LG2 we can highlight the single
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) S2_18992724, which
shows a strong influence in the presence-absence of
disease. Finally, other linkage groups such as LG1, LG5
and LG6 were also related to different levels of
expression of powdery mildew symptoms, but their
influence appears to be less significant.
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