Rosaceae SNP arrays developed by the International Rosaceae SNP Consortium (IRSC), sponsored by the NIFA SCRI-funded RosBREED project.
Chagné D, Crowhurst RN, Troggio M, Davey MW, Gilmore B, Lawley C, Vanderzande S, Hellens RP, Kumar S, Cestaro A, Velasco R, Main D, Rees JD, Iezzoni A, Mockler T, Wilhelm L, Van de Weg E, Gardiner SE, Bassil N, Peace C. Genome-wide SNP detection, validation, and development of an 8K SNP array for apple. PloS one. 2012; 7(2):e31745.
Montanari S, Saeed M, Knäbel M, Kim Y, Troggio M, Malnoy M, Velasco R, Fontana P, Won K, Durel CE, Perchepied L, Schaffer R, Wiedow C, Bus V, Brewer L, Gardiner SE, Crowhurst RN, Chagné D. Identification of Pyrus Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and Evaluation for Genetic Mapping in European Pear and Interspecific Pyrus Hybrids. PloS one. 2013; 8(10):e77022.
Verde I, Bassil N, Scalabrin S, Gilmore B, Lawley CT, Gasic K, Micheletti D, Rosyara UR, Cattonaro F, Vendramin E, Main D, Aramini V, Blas AL, Mockler TC, Bryant DW, Wilhelm L, Troggio M, Sosinski B, Aranzana MJ, Arús P, Iezzoni A, Morgante M, Peace C. Development and evaluation of a 9K SNP array for peach by internationally coordinated SNP detection and validation in breeding germplasm. PloS one. 2012; 7(4):e35668.
Peace C, Bassil N, Main D, Ficklin S, Rosyara UR, Stegmeir T, Sebolt A, Gilmore B, Lawley C, Mockler TC, Bryant DW, Wilhelm L, Iezzoni A. Development and evaluation of a genome-wide 6K SNP array for diploid sweet cherry and tetraploid sour cherry. PloS one. 2012; 7(12):e48305.
- Download the 9K peach SNPs as an excel file with links to GBrowse (Access 9K peach SNPs anchored to peach genome v2.0)
- Download the 6K cherry SNPs as an excel file with links to GBrowse (Access 6K cherry SNPs anchored to peach genome v2.0)
- Contact us to download resequencing data of cherry accessions
- Download the 9K apple/pear SNPs as an excel file with links to GBrowse (Access 9K apple/pear SNPs anchored to apple GDDH v1.1)
- Download 1K pear SNP (part of 9K apple/pear SNP)