Reconstruction of the Largest Pedigree Network for Pear Cultivars and Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of the USDA-ARS National Pyrus Collection.

Publication Overview
TitleReconstruction of the Largest Pedigree Network for Pear Cultivars and Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of the USDA-ARS National Pyrus Collection.
AuthorsMontanari S, Postman J, Bassil NV, Neale DB
TypeJournal Article
Journal NameG3 (Bethesda, Md.)
CitationMontanari S, Postman J, Bassil NV, Neale D. Reconstruction of the largest pedigree network for pear cultivars and evaluation of the genetic diversity of the USDA-ARS national Pyrus collection. G3. 2020; 10(9):3285-3297.


The USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) in Corvallis, Oregon, maintains one of the world's largest and most diverse living Pyrus collection. A thorough genetic characterization of this germplasm will provide relevant information to optimize the conservation strategy of pear biodiversity, support the use of this germplasm in breeding, and increase our knowledge of Pyrus taxonomy, evolution, and domestication. In the last two decades simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have been used at the NCGR for cultivar identification and small population structure analysis. However, the recent development of the Applied Biosystems™ Axiom™ Pear 70K Genotyping Array has allowed high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genotyping of almost the entire collection. In this study, we have analysed this rich dataset to discover new synonyms and mutants, identify putative labelling errors in the collection, reconstruct the largest pear cultivar pedigree and further elucidate the genetic diversity of Pyrus.

This publication contains information about 1 projects:
Project NameDescription
Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping dataPyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping data
This publication contains information about 1,570 stocks:
Stock NameUniquenameType
Carigradsko AvcePI 688144accession
CebulkaPI 312495accession
Cedar Lane Farm 3PI 617553accession
Changpa LiPI 617619accession
Changpa LiPI 688095accession
Chanticleer (P. calleryana)PI 541105accession
Charles HarrisPI 617599accession
ChasseursPI 541162accession
Cherry PearPI 260200accession
Chiao-MaPI 665778accession
Chien LiPI 617537accession
Chien Pa Li (=Pa Li)PI 541987accession
Chin LiPI 541909accession
ChinaPI 133540accession
Chinese Fragrant PearPI 665771accession
Chui Chi LiPI 307544accession
Citron de Carmes (Madeleine)PI 541163accession
Cleveland Select (P. calleryana)PI 617533accession
Colmar d'EtePI 654920accession
Comte de LamyPI 280031accession
ConferencePI 541168accession
Crna PoloskaPI 483401accession
Da Tou Huang (=Ta Tau Huang)PI 542002accession
Dardhe-e-kuge o.p. - Albania marketPI 641276accession
DavidPI 657927accession
