PI 352645

Germplasm Overview
NamePI 352645
Institutional NameCPYR 555 .001
Sample Namea550887-4349125-010319-489_L09
GRIN IDPI 352645
SpeciesPyrus sp.
Origin CountryJapan
Origin DetailN/A
Maternal ParentN/A
Paternal ParentN/A
Maternal Parent ofN/A
Paternal Parent ofN/A
Phenotypic DataN/A
SSR Genotype DataN/A
SNP Genotype Data[view all 64142]
DNA LibraryN/A
CommentsUnknown synonym of Hamesi
ReferenceMontanari S, Postman J, Bassil NV, Neale DB. Reconstruction of the Largest Pedigree Network for Pear Cultivars and Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of the USDA-ARS National Pyrus Collection.. G3 (Bethesda, Md.). 2020 Jul 16.
Snp Genotype Data
Total 64,142 records
Download Table
#DatasetMarker NameAlleleGenotype
1Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172359629C/TC|C
2Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171946715C/TC|C
3Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171856050A/GG|G
4Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172431750C/TT|C
5Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171946713C/TT|T
6Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171946710C/TT|T
7Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171946709A/GA|A
8Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172431735G/TT|T
9Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172238169A/GA|A
10Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172238201A/GG|G
11Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171931958C/TT|C
12Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171841956C/TT|T
13Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171841958A/GA|A
14Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172238212C/TC|C
15Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171841959C/TT|T
16Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171931964C/TC|C
17Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171841966G/TT|T
18Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172238242A/GA|A
19Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172418796A/CA|A
20Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172418818A/GG|G
21Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172398657C/TT|T
22Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172398667C/TT|T
23Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-171940564G/TG|G
24Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172398677A/GA|G
25Pyrus NCGR collection SNP genotyping datapco_AX-172398678G/TT|T
Cross References
External references for this accession
GRINPI 352645