Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics
A postdoctoral fellowship is available “Integrating multidisciplinary data to increase agricultural production under a climate change scenario (Ref: BDAS02)”, funded through the European P-SPHERE project under the COFUND Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions of the Horizon 2020 programme. This project aims to integrating highthroughput genotypic and phenotypic data in order to identify genes related with fruit quality and disease resistance in crops species.
The successful candidate will join the IRTA Plant Genomics research team located at the Agrigenomics Research Center (CRAG), a research institute located at the UAB campus, near Barcelona. CRAG, a recently recognized “Severo Ochoa” Center of Excellence, brings together basic research groups in plant development, physiology, metabolism and genetics; groups in bioinformatics and genomics working on plants and animals; and applied projects developed together with Agbio, Biotech, and Breeding companies.
Candidate requirements:
We seek highly motivated candidates with research experience in areas related to bioinformatics, statistics or data analysis. The applicants must have skills in Next Generation Sequencing data analysis and strong knowledge of bioinformatics applied to plant genomics. To be eligible, applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in Spain for more than twelve months in the three years immediately prior to the call deadline. Applicants must have been awarded their PhD before February 2014.
3-year work contract with a highly-competitive salary (36,100 € per year gross salary) and a 3,000 € single relocation payment.
Applications should be submitted through the P-SPHERE project webpage: web/p-sphere/p-sphere- application. Please contact Jordi Garcia-Mas ( for additional information on the project. Application deadline: February 2nd 2016, 17:00 pm (Spanish time).
Additional information:
P-SPHERE project webpage: IRTA ( CRAG ( Genetics and Genomics of Vegetable Crops group ( grupos-de-invetigacion/ genetics-and-genomics- ofvegetable-crops). Rosaceae Genetics and Genomics Group ( grupos-deinvetigacion/ rosaceae-genetics-and-genomics ).