The GDR home page can be reached at
For quick access to data, visit the Species, Data or Search section in the navigation bar or click appropriate link from the Major Genera Quick Start or Tools Quick Start section.
1. GDR Logo
Users can return to the home page from any GDR page by clicking the logo.
2. Navigation bar
The dark green bar and white links found at the top of the page are navigational tools. The GDR provides the same navigation bar at the top of all of its pages to allow users to easily move between sections of the database.
3. Log in
GDR users do not need an account to access public data. The breeders who need to access their private data needs to log in.
4. Search
Users can search the static content using this simple search form. For searching the genetic, genomic and breeding data, go to the appropriate site under 'Search' in the navigation bar.
5. Twitter
Follow GDR on Twitter and get all the latest news right away.
6. News and Events
News items from GDR and the Rosaceae community
7. Major Genera Quick Start
By clicking on the icon for the genus of interest, go to the genus overview page where you can access all the data and tools available for the genus. If you are interested in a specific species, find a link to the species page from the dropdown menu of the 'Species' in the header bar.
8. Tools Quick Start
Quick links to common tools and data search interfaces.
If you have any questions/comments/feedback about the site overview, please let us know via the contact form.